room temperature


the site is near the chauvet cave the animals painted in overlapping layers appeared to move as the flickering light of a fire’s flame danced across the irregular walls one can imagine it

i found the fountain on a chinese site i ordered the opalescent white version but i received the white and wood imitation version i wanted to return it but i kept it the poorly translated comments said things like

it’s beautiful in the house
the constant murmur

soaks the ground

some animals drink
others less

the printed words are four titles used by marc camille chaimowicz before his disappearance no one says rapture anymore no one says someone was raptured to mean they disappeared as if carried away by joy

the curtains are drawn

the light turned off


room temperature
10 Jan, 25
15 Feb, 25
Andréa Spartà
Ruoms, France
Nicolas Tourre