che sia una bugia, ma bella

Galleria Eugenia Delfini is pleased to present che sia una bugia, ma bella Pier Paolo Perilli’s first solo show at the gallery.

Pier Paolo Perilli (1974, Rome) is a poet and a painter. If painting is at the center of his practice, the writing of short texts, lyrics or poems is equally so. These took the form of songs when he was the frontman of the Punk Hardcore band Redemption in the 1990s, or more recently of illustrations, comics and videos.

The exhibition che sia una bugia, ma bella is the first official presentation of his pictorial work in an Italian gallery, as well as the occasion to present a selection of his painting made in the last ten years.

Davide Ferri writes about his painting: “There is something primordial in all the works of Pier Paolo Perilli. In its representations, the historical and temporal dimension vanishes. Mythology and urban life mix, the villages and Mount Olympus get confused, contemporary reality and classic stories lose their contours: looking at his paintings is like overhearing a conversation by Claudio Caligari, Alejandro Jodorowsky and Isaac Bashevis Singer who, sitting at the same table, give free rein to their narrative strength.”

You can find the complete essay on the gallery’s website.

che sia una bugia, ma bella
8 May, 24
28 June, 24
Pier Paolo Perilli
Essay by Davide Ferri
via Giulia 96, Rome
Galleria Eugenia Delfini
Sebastiano Luciano