‘Marcelle’ for the Karl Hofer Prize exhibition at UDK, Berlin, 2024


A wardrobe is reassembled in reverse. We find ourselves standing inside the closet, where water portrays its pleasure and discomfort. Light and sound restrict the outside world to a narrow view, only visible through decorated glass.
Inspired by Georges Bataille’s ‘Histoire de l’œil’ (1928), this work centers on the character Marcelle, who hides in a wardrobe to masturbate during an orgy. In an act of apparent shame, we retreat to a space where social and sexual norms, as well as architectural rules, no longer apply; here, what is written as shame can be read as power.


The Karl Hofer Stipendien is a prize for the graduates of Universität der Künste Berlin. The artist won with the site-specific installation ‘Marcelle’.


‘Marcelle’ for the Karl Hofer Prize exhibition at UDK, Berlin, 2024
28 Nov, 24
1 Dec, 24
Marco Siciliano
Akiko Bernhöft
Hardenbergstraße 33, Berlin
Karl Hofer Stipendien
Theocharis Tzanoudakis