Privilege Of Being


that was it : the person who was supposed to write the text couldn’t do it before the opening
we had agreed that they would write it afterward, perhaps between christmas and new year’s

the person who was supposed to write the text ultimately couldn’t do it because they had to stay attentive to the evolution good or bad of an event

i placed the smoke detectors using the floorplan without taking the walls into account

we pulled up the linoleum that covered the floor
a few days later i also removed the doors and the light bulbs

the opening took place one evening in november
the visitors arrived as night was falling and left the next day i mean the sun had set the sun had risen.

the title privilege of being is borrowed from a track by the band Sprain

the exhibition stayed up through the solstice through the celebrations and into the beginning of the next year

it was visible every day from the outside thanks to the status lights on the detectors it was visible from the inside when someone was present to open the door that i hadn’t removed

a status light is a diode that signals the activity of an electrical circuit
the french name for status light is the translation of witness
it bears witness for example to the proper functioning of a device or alternatively to its malfunction
a witness is what we look to in order to grasp a reality that lies beyond our direct reach


Privilege Of Being
2 Nov, 24
28 Jan, 25
Andréa Spartà
Rue Adam Fumé, Genillé, France
Nicolas Lafon