The exhibition presents the in black series of Eugenia Vanni’s latest production, in which the dialectic between support and technique is taken to a new level. After the monochromes and brushstrokes created – in negative – by painting the texture of the canvas onto the coloured fabric, in these works the figuration emerges on the surface as a reflected effect of the difference between canvas and painting, and of the reciprocal illusion of the one in the other.
Technique and material, background and figure, mingle and overlap, delineating an ideal of synthetic painting that expresses the process in itself of a totality that transcends the sum of its parts.
This modus operandi allows her to give form – or rather an allegory – to the conceptual nucleus that underpins her work, in which painting is executed in a synthesis of materials and tools, whether real or sensory, and in the contemporaneous relationship between before and after. A subject that is not really painted, but instead created by means of painterly devices in which deception also plays a part.The curtain that is featured alludes to the very thing that is hidden behind it.
In a sense, the figure is already there on the canvas, the artist only has to block out what is superfluous.