Careful What You Wish For

Careful What You Wish For The exhibition “Careful What You Wish For” builds on an intricate interplay between vulnerability and identity, highlighting how fear and the fragility of human experience shape our understanding of self. By examining psychological dimensions of existence, the exhibited works invite viewers to confront unseen forces influencing perception and interaction. […]

Sinodós The ancient Greek term “sinodós” (Συνοδός), which literally translates as “Travel Companion,” carries both practical and symbolic dimensions. It refers to the person who shares one’s journey, whether across physical landscapes or through spiritual realms. In the sacred context of the Eleusinian Mysteries, the sinodós was the guide entrusted with leading the initiate […]
Luci D. Dreams of Flying

Luci D. Dreams of Flying In Luci D. Dreams of Flying, amidst butterfly wings and extinct birds, myths and stories from the past, Rike Droescher reinvents and narrates a tale as ancient as the world: the human desire to fly. She delves into the fissures and cracks of an anthropocentric world, with her works emerging […]
Best regards

Best regards Friday, June 7th 2024, 11.40 PM Dear Nicola, This little town is stifling me. June has just begun, yet it is so hot already. It’s the season of mirages: I remember when I was a child, believing the sun was melting the world around me. Back then, I couldn’t have known then […]
Plain Chords of Spectral Bliss

Plain Chords of Spectral Bliss A supernova explodes and is blown to pieces. There must be a way to gather its remnants, scattered among the galaxies. Above us, stars. Beneath us, constellations[1]. Interstellar travel originates from fractures, from the dust and dirt settling on surfaces – likewise, Maarten Van Roy’s works appear as nebulae, […]