Uncanny Valley

Uncanny Valley   Più di 50 anni fa, Masahiro Mori, all’epoca professore di robotica presso il Tokyo lnstitute of Technology, scrisse un saggio su come immaginava le reazioni delle persone a robot che avessero un aspetto e un comportamento simili a quelli umani. In particolare mostrò come, al variare della somiglianza, il sentimento di affinità […]


SACRA SAGRA “Sacra sagra” is the third episode developed by Palazzo Bronzo for FARE COLLETTIVO, the new exhibition series of Platea Palazzo Galeano. With FARE COLLETTIVO, Platea aims to explore the phenomenon of artistic collectives, asking the invited artists about the reasons for forming collectives and the needs for spaces of cooperation.Through exhibitions, publications, and […]

Three Songs

Three Songs “Three Songs” is an intervention between gallery spaces and underground cellars, entrusted to Marco-Augusto Basso and Flavia Spasari, it is the fourth part of TORRSO’s Un/Natural exhibition series, dedicated to the mobile, ubiquitous, unpredictable, industrious, and living nature of culture, for Pesaro Capitale della Cultura 2024. We witness a dialogue that tends toward […]