Time Within the Signs

“Time Within the Signs” is the first group show at THEPÃ’SITO Art Space, the exhibition brings together the works of three artists – Erica Ferraroni, Laura Santamaria and Meri Tancredi – in a dialogue that explores Time and Cosmos reinterpreting the oracular figure. The project focuses on the concept whereby the artist’s role in the society is as similar as the one of a contemporary oracle, capable of transforming the perception of the world into a language that escapes linearity and certainty, placing us before a deep reflection on the relationship between time, reality and imagination.
The artist becomes an interpreter of time that passes, not a narrator who offers answers, but an observer who translates flows, fragments and sensations into signs that require decipherment. Their work, like ancient prophecies, are ambiguous, fragmentary, sometimes even inconsistent, but precisely in this enigmatic nature lies their energy. It is the observer’s task to grasp the clues, to interpret what is shown, aware that all understanding is temporary and never definitive. The work does not merely tell a story already defined, but acts as an open track, a fertile ground to reflect on the present and intuit possibilities for the future, aware that tomorrow will never be realized according to our expectations.
The perception that these artists have of the world and the way they invite us to read it are a manifestation of Time flowing without assumptions, without a clear beginning or end. In this regard, their research does not offer answers, but opens spaces of question and imagination instead, making us aware of our deeply human desire to find certainties in reality, trying to shape a future that we cannot know. The title of the exhibition ‘Time Within the Signs’ suggests this tension between the need to interpret the present and the desire to glimpse in time signs that can guide us. Like an oracle reading the sky, the artist does not reveal absolute truths but invites us to decipher the signs that surround us, reminding that time is not a straight line but a constellation of fragments, intuitions and possibilities. In this sense, time lives within the signs left by the artist, signs that are not answers, but starting points for a personal and collective journey through the mystery of ‘being’.